Monday, March 31, 2008

Tonight's Post

Tonight's post was brought to you by Home Depot, retailer of fine wood posts. Buy one now. I mean now. Right this minute. Get up OUT of you chair and go get one. Hurry. Everybody else reading this blog is rushing out at this very minute to their nearest Home Depot and they might clear out all the posts leaving you with none and THEN where would you be? Post-less? Don't let this happen to YOU!



Or, just download this one.

Makes no difference to me; I have one already.


  1. Yeah, well Home Depot can kiss my pink butt. Here it is April, their stupid store is the size of Cleveland, and they've got no bird houses! If the only place to buy light bulbs was Home Depot, I would sit in the dark.

  2. I prefer Lowes, although I am planing to stop at Home Depot tonight. For a flat of impatiens, though, not a post.


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